Quick Response Team (QRT)
We have a well- trained response team equipped with the basic modern logistics required to deliver and move into action as quickly as needed. We rely on our Quick Response team as a backup for the guard force. They are simply reliable
Private Investigations
Our undercover personnel are able to investigate all incidents, theft, pilfering, under invoicing, overloading and other criminal activities of various forms and stages.
Escort Duties
We provide escort duties for goods and Assets in transit professionally, covertly. Our investigative team members can be used in every form including being house helps, cleaners, drivers, messengers, guards, among others depending on the achievable targets. You can count on our team for total and maximum protection of goods and property.
Static Guards Placement & Trained Dogs Services
Static guard placement and trained dog services for commercial, industrial, mining and engineering are available at our call. We are reliable in manned guarding or static guard placement and deployment of trained dogs to high risk areas for better results.als transition well.
Who Are We?
We Are a Private Security Company, Here to Safeguard Our Clients'
Well-Being and Assets!